Evaluation by the EAEVE
The veterinary curriculum is regularly assessed by the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE).
In keeping with EU Directive 2005/36, the EAEVE regularly evaluates veterinary training institutions in Europe in order to ensure a high standard of veterinary training throughout Europe. This is a peer-review process, i.e. the members of the expert group come from other veterinary training institutions. The accreditation status of the institutions assessed by the EAEVE can be viewed online.
The last full visitation by the expert group took place from October 15-19, 2018.
EAEVE Final Report Visitation 15.-19. Oktober 2018
VMF ELF Evaluation Report 2018
VMF SELF Evaluation Report 2018 Appendix
4 MB
VMF Interim Report 2022
575 KB
EAEVE Review Interim Report 2022
175 KB
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is advised by an advisory board in all matters relating to the veterinary curriculum. Members of the advisory board are:
- Dr. Ulrike Filzek (Veterinary practice Pötzschau)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment)
- Dr. Uwe Hörügel (Saxon Veterinary Association)
- Prof. Dr. Jörg Junhold (Zoo Leipzig)
- Dr. Stephan Koch (Saxon State Ministry of Social Affairs & Cohesion)
- Dr. Ines Leidel (Veterinary pratice Dr. Leidel)
- Dr. Gabriela Leupold (Veterinary and Food Inspectorate Leipzig City)
- Dr. Elisabeth Müller (Laboklin)
- Dr. Peter Schmidt (Veterinary practice Dr. Peter Schmidt)
- Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Liebler-Tenorio (Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute)
From April 7 to 11, 2025, an international group of experts will visit the VMF to evaluate the teaching, research and service offerings. All European universities and faculties that offer a degree course in veterinary medicine are assessed by the EAEVE every seven years. In order to ensure a high standard of veterinary training throughout Europe, the EU has defined minimum requirements for veterinary training in EU Directive 2005/36. The EAEVE has taken on the task of evaluating whether the universities actually meet these requirements.
The accessment is carried out according to the ESEVT Standard Operating Procedure 2023.
The evaluation will be performed by the following persons:
Prof. Laszlo Fodor, University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Edward HALL, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Prof. Delia Lacasta, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Dr. Hervé Hiard, Dol de Bretagne, France
Prof. Sergio Ghidini, University of Milan, Italy
Prof. Henry Chateau, National Veterinary School of Alfort, France
Ms. Ni̇sa Sümertekin, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Türkiye
Prof. Yngvild Wasteson, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway