In the area of "exotic" pets, a basic knowledge of the husbandry and physiological needs of the different species plays a major role. The majority of the animals are in treatment with us due to a not species-appropriate keeping and feeding. Therefore we put special emphasis on the area of anamnesis and also provide you information about the basic needs of the most important bird and reptile species.
Teaching events
Inventory drives take place in the seventh and eighth semesters. Dates for student drives to poultry stocks are announced in university of leipzig's moodle at the beginning of the summer and winter semesters.
Three days before you drive with us to the flock, you should have no contact with other poultry; we assure this with our entry in the flock book.
Protective clothing will be provided by us.
You will be excused for clinic hours that day.
Here you will find project work that is currently available. If you are interested, please contact the proper staff member personally or contact us via email.
We're sorry: Currently, there are no projects available.
If you have a specific request, please contact us.
We hold lectures in the focus courses "Clinical Basics" (Klinische Grundlagen), "Bird & Reptile" (Vogel & Reptil) as well as "Poultry" (Geflügel) and in the radiology course. We post the documents for these on university of leipzig's Moodle.