The Centre of Veterinary Public Health (Institute of Food Hygiene & Institute of Animal Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health), Veterinary Faculty, University of Leipzig offers the possibility with the following cluster for residents to complete the compulsory part of the ECVPH residency programme in both subspecialities.

Part II

Subspeciality Population Medicine (compulsory) - Institute of Animal Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health



ECTS points
Cluster B Risk management    

Concepts, principles and applications of diesease control programmes as well as of good hygiene practices, sanitation and desinfection procedures

2 3
Cluster C Monitoring, surveillance and quality management    
Further aetiology, epidemiology, diagnostics and control of infectious and non-infectious diseases of livestock populations, either monofactorial or multifactorial in nature (specifically including zoonoses, originating from livestock populations and those infections which can be raw animal product and/or food-borne) 4 5


Topics in detail

Control of epidemic diseases:

  • Training in concepts of controlling epidemic diseases
  • Diagnostic procedures of selected epidemic diseases

Animal Hygiene:

  • Training in biosecurity issues and disinfection
  • Concepts of animal welfare and animal husbandry


  • Basic concepts in outbreak investigations and statistics, i.e. learning the key features and elements of epidemics, different scaling of measurement, sample size calculation and interpretation of test characteristics
  • Laboratory and field investigations of vector-borne pathogens - study objects are wild rodents, ticks, mosquitoes and various pathogens thatb are associated with them (Leptospira spp., Rickettsia spp., Babesia spp., Anaplasma phagocytophilum etc.) - comparison of prevalence data in the investigated host species are used to describe natural transmission cycles and potential reservoir hosts.

Subspeciality Food Science (compulsory) - Institute of Food Hygiene



ECTS points
Cluster A Food Hygiene and foodborne hazards    
Examination, diagnostics and monitoring of microbial contamination of food including microbial ecology of foodborne pathogens and spoilage microorganisms 2 3
Cluster B Food control and surveillance, incl. Risk analysis    
Sound knowledge of EU and national legislation regarding consumer protection and animal welfare and their implications on the industry 2 3
Outbreak investigation and molecular epidemiology (in cooperation with the Institute of Animal Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health) 2 3
Cluster C Food prduction and processing hygiene, incl. technology 2 3


Topics in detail

Practical diagnostic work:

  • Examination of meat and meat products (i.e. sausages, ground/minced meat), milk and milk products (i.e. cheese, yoghurt) in accordance to the Commission Regulation (EC) 2073/2005)
  • Diagnostic of bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica, Bacillus cereus, Clostridia and coagulase positive staphylococci
  • Detection of spoilage bacteria (Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae, Lactobacilli, etc.)
  • Diagnostic procedures of selected epidemic diseases
  • Detection of process hygiene criteria (E.coli, total aerobic count, etc.)
  • Diagnostics of Trichinella and Alaria alata
  • Basics in detection of foodborne viruses
  • Training to some PCR methods (e.g. conventional and real-time PCR)
  • Training in organoleptic evaluation of food

EU and national legislation:

  • Training in evaluation of the laboratory results of food according to the law regulated limits and to their implication of hygiene in the industry

Food processing technology: 

  • Concepts in food processing and preservation


Laboratory facilities

  • Certified laboratory according to EN ISO 17025
  • Real time PCR
  • PCR (Conventional method)
  • Equipment for determination of chemical parameters (protein, fat, water, etc.)
  • MALDI-TOF (Faculty)
  • BSL2 and Gentewch S2 Level laboratories

Technology facilities

  • Milk technology (Pasteur, powder unit, spray drying)
  • Meat technology (smoking chamber, meat mincing machine, bowl, cutter, ect.)
  • Plasma equipment (cold atmospheric plasma)
  • BSL2 Animal facility


Please note, that there is no financial support for the stay at our Institutes.