Besides the examination of faecal samples for endoparasites, we have other offers. We examine skin and fur for ectoparasites, as well as feed samples.
Furthermore, we determine hygiene, storage and health pests to enable targeted control.
Examination for ectoparasites
We offer the following examinations:
- Examination of skin scrapings/hair samples/feather samples from pets, farm animals, zoo and wild animals for ectoparasites by means of live and dead detection, including species identification.
- Determination of hygiene, stock and health pests
- Examination of feed samples or similar by means of the Berlese outmigration method
Further investigations
- for liver fluke eggs (sedimentation method)
- for lungworm larvae (emigration method)
- Differentiation of gastrointestinal strongylid larvae (larval culture/fecal culture)
- Quantitative examination of faecal samples (McMaster method)
- Sporulation of coccidial oocysts (species identification)
- Examination of suckling piglet faeces for coccidian oocysts (autofluorescence examination)
- Faecal smear and staining according to Heine (cryptosporidia detection)
- Immunochromatic strip tests (MEGACOR Veterinary Diagnostics) for dog, cat, horse, cattle, goat, sheep, pig, guinea pig, hedgehog, rabbit, mink, bird/poultry, reptiles
- FASTest® Crypto Strip: Detection of Cryptosporidium parvum
- FASTest® Giardia Strip: detection of Giardia duodenalis
- FASTest® Crypto-Giardia Strip: detection of Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia duodenalis